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Something BIG and GLORIOUS Is About To Happen
(Written August 20, 2008)

{In Memory Of Bonnie Thomason and All She Sacrificed For God’s People, saith the Lord}

During prayer this morning, I was reminded of the following vision, and then given more revelation regarding it:

[I had this original vision years ago, and saw it again this morning:

I saw myself on one side of the river: the side closest to me. Jesus, as a man in a white robe, stood on the other side of the river. He waved His hand at me in greeting and recognition.

I was so excited! I waved back at Him, and quickly jumped into the river and swam towards Him. As I approached the middle of the river the current became very strong and began to move me from the right of my vision screen to the left. I was no longer able to swim across the river, but battled to stay afloat mid-stream. No matter how I struggled to swim straight across the river directly to Jesus, the river’s current seemed to overtake me.

I, almost immediately, began to notice many, many other people, mostly women, float past me. Though they still battled to go directly across the heavily flowing river to Jesus, they had grown tired, and from exhaustion they battled now only to stay afloat as the river took them upstream at it’s will.

I became aware that my own battle to cross the river was about to end because of my own exhaustion. I realized that my fight would never take me to the other side of the river where Jesus stood.

Suddenly God placed me back on the land. Jesus still stood looking at me from the other side of the river. The river had almost become nothing but bodies caught in it’s fast moving current. All the bodies fought just to stay afloat.

As I stood there looking, Jesus said to me, "Wait until I come to get you. I will come to get you, and you are to wait. All these attempted to come to Me on their own and failed: failed to wait for/on Me, and failed to cross over the river."]

This morning I again stood at this river, and saw Jesus standing on the other side. He did not wave, but instead the piece of land He stood on moved across the river towards me. As it did the river quickly dried up.

Almost immediately Jesus stood beside me. He was dressed in His white robe. He immediately put His arm around my shoulder and began to talk with me. I saw this as I stood back and watched the two of us. I was unable to hear what He said, but knew this was a very happy occasion. I realized something BIG was/is about to happen. We did not walk but a few steps, when Jesus and I turned back around and looked at the river. It was completely dry and there was no separation between the two sides of the river any longer. At one place in the dried river bed the river appeared to seep slightly from the earth and flow towards us, and then immediately Jesus said, "the river no longer exists."

We then turned to examine a large tree next to us. I didn’t notice it in the first vision, but as I looked at it this time I remembered it had always been there. It appeared in both visions, and in both visions it touched the ground. It was dead looking. I tried, in my mind, to force leaves upon it because Jesus stood there beside me and I felt that nothing but "life" could exist in His presence.

Jesus said that the tree was dead. He said, "this is the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and it is to die/dying/dead." In other words, Christ proclaims it is dead, and therefore it is dead from that time on. He then said that He is a tree of life, and in spirit He showed me Himself superimposed over the tree as He/it became the Tree of Life. In this form it never grew, and though I attempted to see leaves upon it, Christ never allowed this to happen.

As He became the tree, I saw limbs become Jesus with hands raised, and His arms and body became the tree. As He stood with His hands raised there was a glorious feeling for all, and then as His hands came together over His head this feeling disappeared. The vision, at this time, was not the blinding light as one would expect. The vision was in brownish hues: lights and darks, but never black (Christ says).

I saw forming with Him, on this huge tree, smaller looking men (smaller than Jesus, but huge in stature). These men were in the image of Christ (on earth I think, but am not sure). I knew, without doubt, they are Apostles and expected to see twelve appear. I saw one definitely appear, and believe there was a total of two to three in the process of forming (with others on the way perhaps?). I was not given the total number either through Jesus’ voice or with God’s vision.

I felt at first that these were the original twelve Apostles, and they may be. However, it is just as likely, right now in my understanding, that these apostles are in addition to the original Apostles mentioned in the New Testament. I knew that these are seen as men because of their spiritual strength. They may or may not be physical men.

Jesus then asked me to look at Him. He was huge and all light. At first he was standing, and then He sat in a huge "cloud" looking throne. The Throne was also all light, and it was difficult to separate His robe from the over stuffed throne He sat on. The throne appeared to be clouds shaped as a Throne, and Jesus’ robe and His throne became one light. The throne and Jesus did not touch the ground in this part of the vision, and would not touch the ground/earth in the balance of the vision.

Jesus held something in His arms and asked me to look at it. It was a huge baby. He had me look directly at the babies face. It was perfect and beautiful in every way. It’s mouth was perfectly formed and a pale pink. It had the most precious eyes and eyelashes etc.

Jesus stood up and said for me to watch. As He stood up, great Joy and excitement filled me Amen Amen Amen. I was thrilled and knew something BIG and beautiful was about to happen/begin. He and the baby became bigger and began to grow towards the sky. This would continue for the rest of the vision whenever I looked at the two.

Jesus said to look again, and I saw the baby become a young child. The baby had become a young child in His Father’s arms. Jesus still wore His robe of light. The whole vision remained intense light. Both figures continued to grow, or expand, in size as the vision continued.

The child raised up his arms and wrapped them around his Father’s neck: Jesus’ neck. Jesus still held him in His arms as he sat in Jesus’ lap. Then Jesus stood up, while still holding the young child in His arms. They both gazed off into the distance to the right of my vision screen. I looked in that direction to see what they were looking at.

Jesus said to look at them again, which I did. The young child which had been in Jesus’ arms, had become an older child and now stood beside Him. They stood in pure light, hand in hand: a Father and His Son now ready for that which they had created to begin. I believed they stood waiting for a parade of great magnitude and excitement. They were so excited and full of Joy at what was about to begin. I was too. I again turned my head for a moment to hopefully see what was coming, but saw nothing.

Jesus said to look behind them. I did, and as far as my eyes could see there was bright, white light. In the light stood all spiritual beings who are Christ’s. It was glorious! They all, including me, stood waiting in great Joy and excitement for what comes now, Amen Amen and again Amen.

Suggested Reading: May 28, 2007, "The POWER In Christ’s Body Is The Cross" (The Circle OF Convergence - 1) (+) "The POWER In The MAGNITUDE Of God (The Circle Of Convergence - 2") .


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